Friday, February 28, 2014

നസ്സഫ് മൌലവിയോടു ചില ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍

നസ്സഫ് മൌലവിയോടു ചില ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍
നസ്സഫ് മൌലവി എഴുതുന്നു  :;""ഒരേ വിഷയത്തില്‍ ഞങ്ങളുടെ പണ്ഡിതന്മാര്‍ പലരും പല നയങ്ങളും സ്വീകരിക്കും അതൊന്നും ഞങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് പ്രശ്നമില്ല അത് പോലെ ഞങ്ങള്‍ ലയിക്കാന്‍ പോകുന്ന knm ന്‍റെ kju വിന്‍റെ എല്ലാ നയങ്ങളും ഞങ്ങള്‍ മനസ്സാ വാചാ കര്‍മണാ അന്ഗീകരിക്കും പക്ഷെ ഞങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് പ്രശ്നം അബൂബക്കര്‍ നസ്സാഫിന്റെ നിലപാട് 'ഇപ്പോള്‍' തന്നെ ഫേസ് ബുക്കില്‍ കൂടി പ്രക്യാപിക്കണം അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ ഞങ്ങള്‍ വിടില്ല ...... കഷ്ടം (പിന്‍ വാക്ക് : എന്റെ നിലപാട് ദീനീ വിഷയത്തില്‍,ഖുര്‍ആനിന്‍റെയും സുന്നത്തിന്റെയും അടിസ്ഥാനത്തില്‍ kju എടുക്കുന്ന തീരുമാനങ്ങള്‍ തന്നെ ആയിരിക്കും.ജിന്ന് സിഹ്ര്‍ കണ്ണേര്‍ തൌഹീദ് സുന്നത് ബിദ്അത് ഇവയൊക്കെ വിശദീകരിക്കേണ്ട സമയത്ത് വിശദീകരിക്കേണ്ട വേദിയില്‍ വിശദീകരിക്കുക തന്നെ ചെയ്യും ഇന്‍ശാഅല്ലാഹ് പ്ലീസ് വെയിറ്റ് ......""

നമ്മുടെ ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍
സംഘടന ഏതാണെങ്കിലും അണികളെ ദീര്‍ഗകാലം വിഡ്ഢികള്‍ ആക്കാം എന്ന് ഏതെങ്കിലും പണ്ഡിതര്‍ കരുതിയാല്‍ അവര്‍ മനസ്സിലാക്കുക..ഇനിയുള്ള കാലത്ത് ഈ പരിപാടി നടക്കില്ല. ഈ ഫേസ്ബുക്ക്‌ ഉള്ള കാലത്തോളം ജനങ്ങള്‍ അവരുടെ മുഖം മൂടി പിച്ചി ചീന്തും..ഇവിടെ നസ്സാഫ് മൌലവിയോട് ചോദിക്കാനുള്ളത് ചില പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട ഒന്ന് രണ്ടു ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ മാത്രം ആണ് ...ഈ ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ക്കുള്ള മറുപടി അറിയേണ്ടത് മടവൂര്‍ വിഭാഗത്തിലെ അണികള്‍ക്കും കെ എന്‍ എം അനുയായികള്‍ക്കും അത്യാവശ്യം ആണ്

ചോദ്യം ഒന്ന് )
 <<ഞങ്ങള്‍ ലയിക്കാന്‍ പോകുന്ന knm ന്‍റെ kju വിന്‍റെ എല്ലാ നയങ്ങളും ഞങ്ങള്‍ മനസ്സാ വാചാ കര്‍മണാ അന്ഗീകരിക്കും >>
കെ ജെ ഉ പറയുന്ന നിലപടുകള്‍ സ്വീകരിച്ചു കെ എന്‍ എമ്മില്‍ ചേരാന്‍ മടവൂര്‍ വിഭ്ഗത്തില്‍ ആരും തയരയല്ല..കാരണം കെ എന്‍ എമ്മിന് സിഹ്ര്‍ ഫലിക്കും എന്ന വിശ്വസം ഉണ്ടെന്നു കെ എന്‍ എം ഇറക്കിയ പുസ്തകത്തില്‍ പറയുന്നു..ഇവിടെ നസ്സഫ് മൌലവി വ്യകതമാക്കേണ്ടത് കെ എന്‍ എം ഇറക്കിയ "ജിന്ന് സിഹ്ര്‍ വിഷയത്തെപ്പറ്റി യുള്ള ബുക്കില്‍ പറഞ്ഞ കെ എന്‍ എം നിലപാട് താങ്കള്‍ അന്ഗീകരിക്കുന്നോ??ഇല്ലെങ്കില്‍ കെ ജെ യു വിനു വിരുദ്ധമായ നിലപാട് സ്വീകരിച്ചു കെ എന്‍ എം അണികളെ പറ്റിക്കാനാണോ തീരുമാനം എടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നത്??

ചോദ്യം രണ്ടു )<<ഇപ്പോള്‍' തന്നെ ഫേസ് ബുക്കില്‍ കൂടി പ്രക്യാപിക്കണം അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ ഞങ്ങള്‍ വിടില്ല ...... കഷ്ടം (പിന്‍ വാക്ക് : എന്റെ നിലപാട് ദീനീ വിഷയത്തില്‍,ഖുര്‍ആനിന്‍റെയും സുന്നത്തിന്റെയും അടിസ്ഥാനത്തില്‍ kju എടുക്കുന്ന തീരുമാനങ്ങള്‍ തന്നെ ആയിരിക്കും>>
 ഇപ്പോള്‍ തെന്നെ ഫസിബൂക്ഇല പ്രഖ്യാപിക്കണം എന്ന് പറയുന്നില്ല..പക്ഷെ വൈരുധ്യങ്ങള്‍ വിളമ്പി ഇനിയും  മുന്നോട്ടു പോവാന്‍ തുടങ്ങിയാല്‍ എന്തായിരിക്കും അവസ്ഥ?? താങ്കള്‍ പോയി സിഹ്ര്‍ ഫലിക്കില്ല എന്ന് പ്രസങ്ങിക്കുക..അടുത്ത ദിവസം അതെ വേദിയില്‍ അനസ് മൌലവ് വന്നു സിഹ്ര്‍ ഫലിക്കും എന്ന് പ്രസങ്ങിക്കുക  !!! ജനങ്ങളെ ഇങ്ങനെ എത്ര കാലം വിഡ്ഢികള്‍ ആക്കും??

അടിക്കുറിപ്പ് ::സിഹ്ര്‍ /കൂടോത്രം ചെയ്തു കൊണ്ട് വിദൂരത്ത് ഉള്ള ഒരു മനുഷ്യനെ കൊല്ലാന്‍ വരെ സാധിക്കും എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ അന്ധവിശ്വ്സി ആണ് ജനാബ് അബ്ദുല്‍ റഹ്മാന്‍ സലഫി എന്ന കാര്യം നമ്മള്‍ മറക്കുന്നില്ല..ഇപ്പോള്‍ വിശ്വസം മാറ്റിയോ എന്നെനിക്കു അറിയില്ല..ഹരിയാന ,രാജസതന്‍,ബീഹാര്‍ എന്നിവിടങ്ങളെ protective anti witchcraft laws(സാഹിര്‍ എന്ന് മുദ്രകുത്തപ്പെടുന്നതിനു എതിരെയുള്ള ഇന്ത്യന്‍ നിയമങ്ങള്‍)..മൌലവി ഈ നിയമങ്ങള്‍ വിശദമായി പഠിക്കുക .Bihar, was first to pass the Prevention of Witch (Dayan) Practices Act of 1999. This was followed by Jharkhand's Anti-Witchcraft Act in 2001 along with the 2005/2006 Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan laws.
ഈ നിയമങ്ങളുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തില്‍ തന്നെ സിഹ്ര്‍ മൂലം കൊല്ലാന്‍ പറ്റും എന്ന് പ്രസംഗിച്ചു നടക്കുന്നത് തികച്ചും കുറ്റകരമായ കാര്യമാണ്..!കാരണം  സമൂഹത്തില്‍ ഭയവും അരക്ഷിതാവസ്ഥ യും സൃഷിട്ക്കുന്ന വാദങ്ങള്‍ ആണിത് .
സിഹ്ര്‍ ചെയ്തു മനുഷ്യരെ കൊല്ലുന്നു എന്ന് ആരോപിച്ചു ചില സ്ത്രീകളെ വേട്ടയാടുന്ന അന്ധവിശ്വാസികളായ സമൂഹത്തിനു എതിരെയാണ് ഈ ഇന്ത്യന്‍ നിയമങ്ങള്‍..ഇവരുടെ ഇതേ അന്ധവിശ്വസങ്ങള്‍ പഠിപ്പിക്കാന്‍ കേരളത്തിലെ ഇസ്ലാഹി പ്രസ്ഥാനവും..എന്തൊരു അവസ്ഥ.

.ഇതൊക്കെ ആണ് ഗ്രൂപിസത്തിനു വേണ്ടി ജനാബ് അബ്ദുല രഹമാന്‍ സലഫി പ്രസംഗിച്ചു നടന്നത്..ഇങ്ങനെയുള്ളവരുടെ കൂടെ ആദര്‍ശം വ്യകതമാക്കാതെ ലയിച്ചു ചേരാന്‍ മടവൂരികള്‍ ഒരിക്കലും തയാറല്ല..മാത്രവുമല്ല സാഹിരിനെ കൊല്ലണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നാ ചര്‍ച്ചയില്‍ യഥാര്‍ത്ഥ ശരിയത്‌ നിലപാട് എന്താണ് എന്നും നസാഫ് മൌലവി വ്യകതമാക്കേണ്ടത് അത്യാവശ്യമാണ്..

കൂടുതല വായനക്കു (Prevention of Witch (Dayan) Practices Act of 1999.)
NEW DELHI: Years after special laws have been introduced to combat the crime, witch hunts continue unabated. Between the years 2010-12, Chhattisgarh saw 51 such cases while Bihar and Jharkhand witnessed 26 and nine incidents respectively, says a fresh field study conducted in these three states. Many of these cases are rooted in property disputes, the study further points out, adding that a host of factors such as lack of healthcare, community pressure and poor prosecution have hindered efforts to end the social menace.

Asha Bajpai, dean, Centre for Law and Society at Mumbai's Tata Institute for Social Sciences (TISS), says that the special state laws have only helped to a limited extent. "Special laws can be useful if they have special provisions. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is still used in these cases and there has to be 'proof beyond reasonable doubt'of the crime, which can be a hindrance in securing justice. Also, currently, state laws do not talk about mainstreaming and rehabilitation of the victims,"says Bajpai. Since a bulk of these crimes is known to have been motivated by property disputes, she suggests looking at state inheritance laws and land rights when dealing with such cases.

While laws exist, policing can be a challenge when an entire village or neighbourhood is party to the crime. "There is a group dynamic at work here. When an instigator mobilizes a whole community, collecting evidence or getting witnesses becomes a problem. The police needs to be trained to handle such situations," says Rahul Mehta of Jharkhand's Chotanagpur Sanskritik Sangh (CSS). Community pressure on the victim and the police together can result in the criminal proceedings not going through. Of the 89 FIRs that were studied as a part of this exercise, five ended in "compromise". All five case were in Jharkhand.

Activists and legal experts on the subject gathered in the capital on Friday to discuss the findings of the three-state study conducted by legal research firm Partners for Law in Development (PLD) and funded by the union ministry of women and child welfare.

All three states have enacted special laws that deal specifically with witch-hunting. Bihar passed the special law in 1999, Jharkhand two years later and Chhattisgarh in 2005. Witch hunting is a gendered crime in which women are branded witches and then subjected to grave physical, mental and sexual violence as retribution. Some are even excommunicated or forced to pay a fine to stay on in the village.

"Witch-hunts aren't just about traditional superstitious belief. It is inextricably tied to conspiracies and village politics," says Gita Rani Bhattacharya, state programme director of Mahila Samakhya Society in Assam. Anuja Aggarwal, professor of sociology at Delhi University, says that in two-third of the cases it was possible to identify a material basis for a conflict between the perpetrator and the victim, like disputes over land. "It finds a trigger when there is an illness in the area or a bad crop which is then attributed to the 'witch'," says Aggarwal.

Urmila of the Bihar chapter of the Mahila Samakhya Society says that these incidents are significantly fewer in areas with a good government network of primary healthcare centers (PHCs). Typically, an "ojha" or a village quack doctor diagnoses an illness as the curse of a "witch", which results in a humiliating and violative hunt thereafter. "If doctors are made available in rural areas, incidents of witch hunting can come down," feels Urmila, who only goes by her first name. Madhu Mehra, director, PLD, adds, "The spotlight must be trained on governmental failures in providing access to education and healthcare."

The PLD study also analysed 59 high court and Supreme Court judgments pertaining to witch hunts in 10 states. Of these, in 21 cases, women and their alleged witchcraft were held responsible for a death in the family. In nine cases a serious illness in the family or neighbourhood was attributed to them. There were four cases where they were blamed for death of cattle.

൨)Adivasi Witchcraft


Children of 'witches' fight social stigma

September 19, 2007 (IANS) Ranchi: A social revolution is taking root in Jharkhand's villages. Daughters and granddaughters of women who were once branded witches are coming forward to root out the social evil.

Poonam Toppo, 29, whose grandmother was once tortured for being a witch, has taken up cudgels to fight the crime of branding innocent people witches and then killing them brutally.

A resident of Bhusur village on the outskirts of Ranchi, Poonam became an orphan at the age of eight. She was the third child of her family and lived with her grandmother.

Recalling her past, Poonam, now director of the Ranchi unit of Free Legal Aid Committee (FLAC), said that when a villager died, residents put the blame on her grandmother.

The village panchayat branded her grandmother a witch and she was brutally beaten up. The family was ostracised and prevented from going to the village market or participating in tribal festivals.

"My grandmother was blamed for everything taking place in the village, be it the death of a cow or a buffalo. One day I decided to stand up against this. When they once came to beat my grandmother, I stood at the doorway and asked them to kill me first. The villagers retreated," Poonam said.

"I took up the matter with the panchayat leaders and argued that if my grandmother could kill anyone, then why couldn't she protect herself from the wrath of the villagers. The panchayat accepted my argument and agreed not to harass my grandmother," she said.

Poonam started a campaign against the social stigma at the age of 12. She was ridiculed in school as the granddaughter of a witch. Undaunted, she organised more than 50 plays to create awareness among children.

Seema Toppo, another girl from Namkom village in Ranchi, is also in the campaign. Seema's mother too was tortured by her neighbours. Villagers beat her, blaming her for the death of a woman.

Seema also started a protest campaign by organising street plays and puppet shows.

But women are still being attacked and killed after being branded witches in the state.

Official figures show that 189 women were killed between 2001 and 2006 for allegedly practising witchcraft. The figure is contested by FLAC, which says 412 women were killed between 2001 and 2006.

And since 1991 to July this year, 922 women have been killed.

To prevent witchcraft killing, Bihar unveiled a Witchcraft Prevention Act, 1999. Jharkhand accepted this in 2001.

"Law is not sufficient to curb witchcraft deaths. The real culprits are Ojhas (witch doctors). We want stringent action against anyone torturing women," said Ajay Kumar, a former director of FLAC.

Three of a family killed for practising witchcraft

June 28, 2008 (IANS) Ranchi: Three members of a family were beaten to death in a Jharkhand village after being accused of practising witchcraft, police said Saturday.

The incident occurred late Friday night in Torpa block of Khuti district, around 90 km from Ranchi.

Police identified the victims as Ghuchara Pahan, his son Kisun and daughter-in-law Mukta.

The villagers had convened a panchayat meeting Friday night and summoned the trio, who were asked to stop practicing black magic as this was causing suffering to the villagers.

Ghuchara and Kisun had a verbal altercation with the villagers, after which they ran into their hut. The villagers dragged them out and started beating them with bamboo sticks and irons rods, killing all three on the spot. The villagers later informed the police about the incident.

The police reached the village Saturday and took the bodies away. The villagers involved in the killing are absconding.

Over 700 people, mostly women, have been killed over the past few years in Jharkhand after being branded as witches.

Accused witch axed to death

Jamshedpur / telegraph / July 05, 2005: A 35-year-old woman was axed to death in Lodhanbani village under Barsole police station for allegedly practising witchcraft.

The woman, identified as Badbari Munda, was allegedly axed inside her house by four villagers from the same village at about 1.30 in the night. Sukra Munda, the husband of the victim who is also the eyewitness, revealed that late Sunday night four persons forcefully entered their house and started beating Badbari.

The four have been identified as Ranga, Maha, Lolia and Tira Munda. ?We had just finished our dinner and were about to sleep when we heard some people shouting outside our house. Soon someone knocked at the door. We did not open the door, but they broke the bolt and entered the house,? said Sukra.

Ranga was carrying an axe and the other three assailants were carrying iron rods and sticks. ?As soon as they entered into the house they started abusing my wife as a witch. Before we could find our way out of the house, Ranga attacked her with the axe and she fell on the ground,? said Sukra.

Sukra and his family members, however, denied Badbari ever practised witchcraft. They maintained that before this no one has ever raised any allegation against the deceased. ?The most important thing is that witchcraft is practiced by old women and she was just 35 years old. How could they label her as a witch?? said the father of the deceased.

From Superstition to Savagery
Women Accused of Witchcraft Face Violence in Rural India

The Washington Post, August 8, 2005 - At sundown, Pusanidevi Manjhi recalled, nine village men stormed into her house shouting, "Witch, witch!" and dragged her out by her hair as her six small children watched helplessly.

"This woman is a witch!" the men announced to the villagers, said Manjhi, 36. She said they tied her ankles together and locked her in a dark room.

"They beat me with bamboo sticks and metal rods and tried to pull my nails out. 'You are a witch, admit it,' they screamed at me again and again," Manjhi said, tearfully recalling her four days of captivity in June.

"They accused me of casting an evil spell on their paddy crop that was destroyed in a fire. I begged them and told them I was not a witch," she said, showing wounds on her legs, thighs, hips and shoulders one recent morning in this village in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand.

After a police investigation, the men who attacked Manjhi were arrested. An official said that the attack was spurred by a powerful landowner who owned rice paddies in the village and used local superstition to mask his attempts to maintain control.

Threats and charges of witchcraft occur in a number of Indian states that have large tribal populations with traditional beliefs about witches. Indian newspapers periodically publish reports about women who, after being accused of being witches, have been beaten, had their heads shaved or had strings of shoes hung around their necks. Some have been killed.

In a tribal society steeped in superstition, the spells of witches often are blamed for stubborn illnesses, a stroke of bad luck, the drying up of wells, crop failure or the inability to give birth to a son. But social analysts and officials said that superstition and faith in witchcraft often are a ploy for carrying out violence against women.

"Superstition is only an excuse. Often a woman is branded a witch so that you can throw her out of the village and grab her land, or to settle scores, family rivalry, or because powerful men want to punish her for spurning their sexual advances. Sometimes it is used to punish women who question social norms," said Pooja Singhal Purwar, an official at the Jharkhand social welfare department.

"Women from well-to-do homes in the village are never branded witches," Purwar said. "It is always the socially and economically vulnerable women who are targeted and boycotted."

Purwar said she sees an average of five women a month being denounced as witches and tortured in rural Jharkhand. Her department has drawn up a public information project to oppose the practice, providing information at village fairs and conducting street performances and puppet shows. Police at the local level have been alerted to track the cases of women who are attacked, she said.

While Manjhi was imprisoned by her captors, her husband, a farmhand, sought help from the village elders, who called a meeting to determine if Manjhi was a witch and summoned a witch doctor for verification. But by then, word spread and the police arrived.

The nine men were charged under a Jharkhand state law that forbids accusing people of being witches. One of them was Gahan Lal, the man whose paddy had caught fire. Lal later confessed to torturing Manjhi.

"Gahan Lal was a powerful landlord. There were fights all the time in the village over land and wages," said Jayant Tirkey, the police officer investigating the case. "When his paddy caught fire, he blamed [Manjhi] for casting an evil spell. But that is merely an excuse. His real motive is to instill fear among the poor."

Tirkey said he thinks that village witch doctors are to blame for superstitious practices, but added that witch doctors are not arrested and tried because they are not directly involved in the violence.

"I never name a witch. I only give villagers some clues to find her," said Leena Oraon, who is known as a witch doctor in Aragate village and who says she studies rice grains to ascertain the presence of a witch in the village. "Today's doctors cannot cure ailments that are caused by a witch's curse. That is why people come to me."

In a case three years ago in Lalganj village, an elderly woman, Baili Kashyap, was branded a witch for supposedly causing sickness in the family of a relative. The relatives, who allegedly were engaged in a land dispute with her, tied her to a tree and slit her throat with a sickle while others in the village watched. Six men are in prison for the murder.

"My mother-in-law was not a witch. They were after our land. But the entire village just stood and watched the murder," said Kashyap's daughter-in-law, Reena, 28. "They believed she was a witch and deserved to die."

According to a study by the Free Legal Aid Committee, an advocacy group that works against witch-hunting, only 2 percent of people charged with witch-hunting are convicted in court.

"People go scot-free because witnesses are hard to come by. Villagers often approve of the torture meted out to these women," said Girija Shankar Jaiswal, a lawyer who heads the organization. "They think witch-hunting is a heroic act and that it will clean the society of evil."

Only two Indian states, Jharkhand and Bihar, have outlawed witch-hunting. Last year, one of India's northeastern states, Tripura, conducted a discussion in the legislative assembly about the need to ban the practice of witch-hunting. After a day-long debate, the assembly unanimously decided that killing of people for practicing witchcraft should be prevented.

However, members failed to reach a consensus on whether witchcraft was a science or superstition.

Couple killed for practising witchcraft in Jharkhand

Ranchi (IANS)| July 02, 2007: An old couple were killed in Jharkhand for allegedly practicing black magic, police officials said.

Tanekta Bhokta, 60, and his wife Ashamani, 55, were residents of Beti village under Pithoria block, about 40 km from Ranchi.

Police officials said Monday that the couple's neighbour Deodhari Bhokta and his brother Surendra Bhokta dragged them out of their house Sunday. The brothers tied the old couple to a tree and beat them to death with sticks. The men then hacked the dead bodies with sharp edged weapons and chopped off the hands and legs.

Later, they informed other villagers about the crime that they had committed and surrendered before the police.

However, the brothers do not regret having killed the couple. "The couple were practising black magic and due to impact of their black magic our family members were falling ill. We have no remorse," said Surendera Bhokta.

The couple are survived by their two daughters. One of them, Rupanti Kumari, 19, said: "We tried to save our parents but they did not show any mercy. Not a single villager turned up to help us".

Killing people suspected of practising black magic is common in Jharkhand. In the past 10 years, more than 600 persons, mostly women, have been killed in Jharkhand after they were branded witches.

Man sacrifices sons in Jharkhand

Ranchi (IANS) | January 10, 2007: In a strange incident of child sacrifice, a man in Jharkhand sacrificed two of his sons Wednesday in search of spiritual powers, police said.
Jeetan Munda, a resident of Barki village in Hazaribagh district, is a sorcerer by profession, escaped after sacrificing his sons with the help of an aide, police said.

The younger son died on the spot, while the elder son sustained serious injuries and he was admitted to a local hospital. His condition is said to be serious.

Police have recovered materials like vermilion, mustard oil and clothes, which suggest that Munda had worshipped the god before sacrificing his sons.

Witchcraft and occult practices are common in Jharkhand.

More than 20 persons have been sacrificed in the state recently in the name of appeasing god.

Three of a family killed for practising witchcraft

June 28th, 2008 by IANS - Three members of a family were beaten to death in a Jharkhand village after being accused of practising witchcraft, police said Saturday. The incident occurred late Friday night in Torpa block of Khuti district, around 90 km from Ranchi.

Police identified the victims as Ghuchara Pahan, his son Kisun and daughter-in-law Mukta.

The villagers had convened a panchayat meeting Friday night and summoned the trio, who were asked to stop practicing black magic as this was causing suffering to the villagers.

Ghuchara and Kisun had a verbal altercation with the villagers, after which they ran into their hut. The villagers dragged them out and started beating them with bamboo sticks and irons rods, killing all three on the spot. The villagers later informed the police about the incident.

The police reached the village Saturday and took the bodies away. The villagers involved in the killing are absconding.

Over 700 people, mostly women, have been killed over the past few years in Jharkhand after being branded as witches.

Chhattisgarh police arrest 22 for assaulting 50 women

December 23rd 2008 Raipur (IANS) - Twenty two men have been arrested in Chhattisgarh for assaulting about 50 women and branding them witches, a senior official said Tuesday. According to reports, a nine day “purification ceremony” was organised by about 200 villagers on the advice of a local leader at Dhodhakesra village in Surguja district, about 400 km north of Raipur.

During the “ceremony”, about 50 women were branded witches and they were forced to get a haircut “to free them from impact of evil spirits”. The women were also beaten in public. The “ceremony” ended Dec 19.

“Police will not tolerate such an act; 22 men have been arrested under the stringent Chhattisgarh Witchcraft (Prevention) Act that makes crimes against women in name of witches a non-bailable offence,” senior police officer Radheshyam Nayak told IANS.

He said the probe is on and villagers are being interrogated, adding that more arrests are likely.

Chief Minister Raman Singh has taken a serious view of the incident and termed it “most inhuman, unfortunate and shameful”. He has asked police chief Vishwaranjan to thoroughly investigate the case and ensure tough punishment to culprits.

With a rising number of cases against women in the name of witchcraft, the state government enacted a Witchcraft (Prevention) Act in 2005. Those convicted under the act can be jailed for upto five years.

Teenager lynched in West Bengal on suspicion of being a witch

Kolkata, Nov 23 (IANS) A 16-year-old girl was beaten to death by villagers in West Bengal’s South 24 Parganas district, who accused her of practising witchcraft and entrancing the son of her former employer to marry her, the police said. “Tulu Dolui, 16, was dragged out of her hut in Ghoramara village around 11.30 p.m. by at least eight people, who then tied her to a tree and beat her with sticks for over three hours,” an official at Sagore police station told reporters.

He said police intervened to rescue the girl, but she succumbed to her injuries on way to the local health centre. She had sustained serious head, abdominal, chest and back injuries.

The official said the villagers alleged that Dolui was a witch and had hypnotised the son of a rich grocer’s son, who decided to marry her against his parents’ wishes. She was working there as a maid servant until the grocer came to know of the relationship and sacked her.

No one has been arrested so far in this incident, he said.

Jharkhand tribes facing Malaria deaths

November 12th, 2008 by ANI - Kuramu (Pallamu) Jharkhand, Nov.12 (ANI): Widespread ignorance, dependency on exorcism and witchcraft among tribes in Jharkhands Palamu district have become a major problem for people struggling against Malaria here.

Malaria has claimed over 24 lives and affected hundreds of others in Kuramu village under Chandwa Block of Latehar Division of States Palamu district.

“My grandson was already suffering from fever. We called the exorcists and even witch doctors, but nothing could help. He died on the Diwali night. Later my granddaughter also fell ill and we have taken her to Primary Healthcare Centre at Chandwa,” said Ram Chandra, a local resident.

Marshy lands, water logging and unhygienic conditions in this region have become a haven for mosquitoes to breed and spread dreaded filaria, malaria and dengue, further the situation is compounded by apathetic attitude of the State administration.

Nine persons belonging to the Lohra and Ganjhu tribes have reportedly succumbed to the disease in the last week alone.

Another factor that let the spread of the disease has been the isolated location of these affected areas with no concerned officials turning up for inspection.

“We know that this place is a remote place, and it’’s not really accessible by general public. But still the way administration has delayed the matter and this is something very much unjustified,” said Boidya Nath Ram, a former legislator of Chandwa area.

Hundreds of hapless villagers are compelled to endure the dreaded malaria while those responsible in the administration appear to have just woken up from slumber.
Doctor and para-medical staff of Primary Health Centre at Chandwa, however, blame the inaccessible roads and remote location for the delay in providing help.

“Kuramu is not very accessible, and thus, treatment in this area has been bit delayed. But we are trying our level-best to treat as many people as possible. Hopefully, things will get better soon,” said Dr. R R Prasad, Medical Officer at the Primary Health Centre, Chandwa. (ANI)

Youth killed in witchcraft related violence

Raipur, May 21 (IANS) Eight people have been arrested in Chhattisgarh’s industrial city Bhilai after a young man was killed in group clashes over a dispute over witchcraft. Police said two groups clashed Monday night at Sector 11 in Bhilai, about 30 km from here, after some people attacked a woman’s house blaming her for the death of a boy.

This led to the group clash in which a 22-year-old man, S. Gopi, suffered severe head injuries and died later, said Additional Superintendent of Police Prashant Thakur.

Chhattisgarh is infamous for witchcraft related violence.

Dalit woman branded witch in Bihar, beaten up
Patna, March 28 2008 (IANS) A middle-aged Dalit woman was brutally thrashed and her hair cut off for allegedly practising witchcraft in a Bihar village, barely 20 km from the state capital, Patna, the police said Friday. The police lodged a first information report and arrested six people, including prime accused Ramayodhya Rai.

The woman, Lalpari, in her 40s, is a resident of Naubatpur village nearPatna. The police said the people suspected she practised witchcraft in the neighbouring Adalchak-Dumaria village, near Maner in the outskirts of Patna.

“She was first tied to a palm tree with a rope, then thrashed and her hair was cut off and burnt in front of a crowd of villagers Thursday,” a senior police officer said.

The incident created an uproar in the state assembly Friday and an opposition Rashtriya Janata Dal legislator and a minister in the erstwhile Rabri Devi government, Shyam Razak alleged that women were not safe under the present regime.

“Women were being tortured by feudal forces,” Razak said while his party members raised anti-government slogans. The opposition demanded stern action against the guilty.

The police said Lalpari had gone to Adalchak-Dumaria village Thursday to treat a woman, Manorama Rai, who suffers from a mental illness.

As Manorama’s condition deteriorated, her husband Ramayodhya Rai lost his temper and accused Lalpari of practising sorcery and inflicting harm on his wife.

He got together some of his friends from the village and paraded Lalpari through the streets. The men tied her to a palm tree, cut off her hair and smeared her head with limestone paste.

Lalpari, however, refuted the charge of practising witchcraft and said she was a healer. When the police were informed about the incident, they rushed to the village and rescued the woman.

16 arrested for burning alive woman in Chhattisgarh

Raipur, March 27 2008 (IANS) Sixteen people including five women have been arrested for allegedly burning alive a 40-yr-old tribal woman in Korea district of Chhattisgarh after beating her for hours with hot iron rods, a police officer said Thursday. “The woman, who belonged to the Gond tribe, was beaten for hours with hot iron rods before being set on fire in the presence of dozens of villagers. They accused her of witchcraft and claimed she was responsible for the recent deaths of three children in the village,” A.M. Juri, district superintendent of police, told IANS.

The woman called Phulkanwar was killed Sunday in Dholpur village, about 500 km north of here. A case was registered Wednesday when her husband Harilal Singh reported the tragedy to the police.

“We have strong evidence against 17 people and 16 of them have been arrested. The one person who is absconding will also be arrested soon,” Juri said.

Besides murder, the 17 have been charged under the stringent Chhattisgarh Witchcraft (Prevention) Act, 2005.

Crimes against women accused of witchcraft are common in Chhattisgarh’s northern and southern regions.

Man enters police station with severed head

Jamshedpur, Apr 20 2008 (PTI) In a ghastly incident, a woman was beheaded on suspicion of practising witchcraft by a tribal who later walked in the police station with the severed head in Ghatsila sub-division of Jharkhand today.

The accused Jairam Hansda held the woman Renti responsible for the death of his brother a few days back and had been looking for a chance to get her, police said.

On finding her alone today, Jairam coaxed the unsuspecting woman to accompany him to a desolate spot next to a paddy field and made her consume alcohol at Musaboni area under Ghatsila sub-division.

Watch this incident in video -

Tribal Woman in Assam Hacked To Death on Suspicion of ‘Witch’

Sinlung / Jan 31 09 Baksa - A 65-year-old Adivasi woman was hacked to death, allegedly by her two brothers, on the suspicion of practising witchcraft in lower Assam’s Baksa district.

The decomposed body of Buddha Bala, with cut wounds on her head and neck, was found at her house in labour line quarter of Dumuni tea estate on Friday, police sources said.

Inquiries revealed a group of 20-25 neighbours along with her two brothers came to the woman’s house on Tuesday night and forcibly took her away at knife point.

Her body was found near home this morning, the sources said.

Bala’s two brothers Jogen Kerketa and Jonathan Kerketa confessed before reporters after their arrest that they had killed their sister on suspicion of her practising witchcraft along with four others.

The dark side of India where a witch-doctor's word means death
Monday, 5 July 2004: The decision was made in the hot jungle night: Bhobesh Pahan and his two adult sons, Nirmal and Bimal, must die. Two weeks ago, the villagers of Poaltore, near the border with Bangladesh, had a meeting to decide what to do about the spate of illness gripping the village. A month before, a two-year-old, Sumon Pahan, no relation, had died of dysentery.
The decision was made in the hot jungle night: Bhobesh Pahan and his two adult sons, Nirmal and Bimal, must die. Two weeks ago, the villagers of Poaltore, near the border with Bangladesh, had a meeting to decide what to do about the spate of illness gripping the village. A month before, a two-year-old, Sumon Pahan, no relation, had died of dysentery.

Several villagers had viral fever. The village witch doctor said the cause was simple. The 65-year-old Bhobesh Pahan and his sons were witches, and had placed a curse on the villagers.

The jungle is never far in the villages here. The banana leaves and creepers are so thick you cannot see through them, even by daylight. There are spiders bigger than a man's hand, and some of the world's most poisonous snakes. At night, the villagers hear the sounds of leopards in the undergrowth.

The witch-doctor is said to have told the people the only way to rid themselves of the curse that was making them sick was to kill the witches. Bhobesh Pahan and his sons were condemned to death. The villagers agreed to kill them.

But, by a rare stroke of fortune, the Pahans were saved. The police were tipped off that there was about to be a witch-killing. The officers raided in force and rescued the men. Since then, there have been intensive police patrols in the village to prevent violence.

This incident, just two weeks ago, has cast renewed scrutiny on a darker side of India. The country is at the forefront of the cyber-revolution, the home of the world's biggest film industry, and a place where more and more business is being outsourced from Britain. But if India is changing fast, the more remote parts of the country are being left behind. Witch-killing is still an everyday part of life here. And not all the victims are as lucky as the Pahans.

They came for Sanseriya Oraow on a humid monsoon Sunday. Her neighbours dragged the middle-aged mother from her house and hammered a nail through her skull into her brain. Then, while she was still alive but in desperate pain, they sewed her up in a sack and dumped her in the nearby Murti river. Two days later, the police recovered her body.

The neighbours dragged four other middle-aged women from their homes that day. Each one suffered similar treatment, nails being hammered into her head, then, in her confusion and agony, being sewn into a sack and dumped in the river to die. This was the most notorious case of recent times. The local witch doctor had proclaimed the women witches after a run of illness among the people.

The place where it happened, Kilkott tea garden, seems an unlikely setting for such stuff of nightmares. This is a plantation set up by the British in colonial times, and is famed for the quality of its tea. On the mountainsides nearby are the great tea gardens of Darjeeling.

Kilkott is in stark contrast, surrounded by encroaching jungle. At the head planter's bungalow, the managers sit in wicker chairs on a vast, white verandah, gazing over manicured lawns and flower-beds that look straight out of Surrey, shielded by an elaborate iron screen from the monsoon deluge hammering into the garden. In a curious throwback to the colonial era, the managers of the tea estates dress in old-fashioned, tight English shorts that would be considered risqué in polite Indian society and seem ill-advised in a region ridden with malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

In another notorious case, across the border in Bihar state in 2000, Manikul Gopai survived only because her family fought to the death to defend her after she was named as a witch by a medicine man and 10 men attacked her house. Her husband was hacked to death by the attackers as he tried to guard the door. Her son's arm was sliced open, but he managed to escape and get to the police to beg for help with his dying breath. They arrived armed to the teeth and just in time to rescue Ms Gopai. She had been seriously wounded with a sword- blow to the forehead.

Activists believe there may be up to 100 cases a year in India. In May, Dituben Singhod was hacked to death with a scythe and an axe by two men who accused her of being a witch and putting a spell on their niece, who had died of illness. That was in Vadodara, hundreds of miles from here.

But tea plantations founded by the British are the focal point of anti-witch activities. Between 1992 and 1998, the most recent period for which figures are available, 1,403 people were killed as alleged "witches" on the plantations. The reason, says Sundeep Mukherjee of the Indian Tea Association, also dates from colonial times. When the British planted tea in India, finding local labourers prepared to do what was seen as the menial work of laboriously picking leaves from the bushes by hand was difficult.

So the British imported workers called Adivasis, people still living in tribal society at the time in the jungles of neighbouring Bihar, and offered them a new life. Free accommodation on the tea estates, and a job not only for life, but for at least one child after their deaths. To this day, most of the workers on the estates are still Adivasis, and they still enjoy the deal made with the British.

Mr Mukherjee is a retired Indian army officer, immaculately dressed and with perfect English. At one point, he suggests a trip to a neighbouring village where a rogue elephant is on the rampage, "just for the adventure of it".

He says: "The witch-hunting [is caused by] ignorance, because they are so steeped in superstition. First, most of the tribals are illiterate. They are so engrossed in their superstition that, although qualified doctors are provided for them, it's so deep-seated that they still go to their witch-doctors."

The Indian Tea Association has been trying to stamp out the witch-hunting phenomenon by pushing for better education in the plantations, and for initiatives such as plays to encourage adults to go to real doctors instead of witch-doctors. Although some Adivasis still practise animism, most have become Hindus or Christians. But primitive beliefs are still deep.

Several types of poisonous snakes roam the jungle, including the deadly king cobra. Most Adivasis who are bitten still go to the witch-doctors, who are believed to be able to draw out the poison with a mixture of herbs applied to the skin.

The medicine men also try to cure other illnesses with mantras. When the witch-doctor fails to cure an illness, Mr Mukherjee says, he faces the wrath of the family, so he claims the sickness has been caused by a witch, and names one of the local labourers, usually a middle-aged or elderly woman, often unmarried or widowed. The only cure is believed to be to kill the witch.

In an effort to stamp this out, the plantations are required by law to provide free medical care for workers, and doctors and hospitals are all available nearby. But many workers still prefer the witch-doctors.

"The witch-doctors are themselves illiterate, and are pawns in the hands of rival groups, used to settle scores among them," Mr Mukherjee says. There have been cases in which one side in a land dispute is believed to have persuaded the witch-doctor to name his rival as a witch to get him off the scene.

"Pointing out of 'witches' is an offence under Indian law, but because of the lack of witnesses, the witch-doctors invariably go free," Mr Mukherjee adds.

The Kilkott case is still being investigated, and there is a court case pending. But many of the witnesses are said to have changed their police statements. On the plantation, no one will admit they witnessed the killing. Everyone claims they were somewhere else at the time. Even Sanseriya Oraow's two grown-up sons denied to The Independent that they had seen anything.

"I was in the fields when it happened," Somra Oraow says. "When I got back I saw my mother's dead body." But when questioned about the condition of the body, he quickly changed his story. "I didn't see the body," he says. "I didn't see anything." Something has the labourers of Kilkott deeply scared. But whether it is fear of the police, the witch-doctors, or reprisals from the guilty labourers, is impossible to tell.

On the plantations it is not hard to understand why the labourers still believe in witchcraft. The night is pitch-dark here, there is no light for miles, and if you find yourself out on the plantations after dark you are alone amid the impenetrable darkness and the incessant sound of the surrounding jungle. Anyone can start believing in witchcraft under such conditions.

The labourers live by the sun. They get up at dawn to start work, and got bed soon after dark falls. They live on the "lines", rows of wood-and-mud houses with little gardens full of chickens and goats. Compared to the slums of India's city, these artificial villages don't seem that bad; there is space and everybody has a roof over his head. But the jungle begins where the "lines" end, at the end of the street, and leopards have been known to come in at night to kill the chickens and goats.

We found a witch-doctor on the tea plantation at Gandrapara tea garden. His name was Ashok Goaala, a slight man with deep-set, dark eyes. He seemed more frightened than intimidating, and was dressed in Western clothes, a tatty shirt and trousers.

"I possess my power from God," he says. "I can cure sicknesses. For snakebites, I put herbs next to the bite and then I recite a mantra. People come from as far away as Assam and Nepal to see me. My great-grandfather was a witch-doctor."

When asked if he believed in witches, his reply made the skin prickle: "As far as I know, there are witches in the lines here," he says. The manager of the plantation, who was standing nearby, looked shocked, but Mr Goaala added: "I don't publicise this or point it out. I don't believe in witch-hunting. I am capable of handling it myself."

The management of the tea plantations is often as reticent about the incidents as the labourers. At the Gairkata tea garden, where a woman was beaten to death last year as an alleged "witch", the management claimed there were "no official records" of witch-killings. All over the tea gardens, you get the same answer: yes, it happens, but not here.

A visit to the local police station shows the difficulties police are working under. There is no air-conditioning, despite the damp jungle heat. Officers sit sweating and mopping their brows, cradling the military rifles they need to patrol India's lawless rural areas. There are separatist militants here, some roads are not safe to travel at night.

"We'd like you to do an article," Sub-Inspector Nirmo Yonzhan, the senior officer, says. "We want more exposure for the witch-hunting, we want to stop it." But producing his files on witch-killing is no easy task. The station has no computers, just thousands of dusty documents that would have to be laboriously sifted through. It could take days.

There are piles of documents like that about witch-hunting across India, but with so few witnesses prepared to testify against the killers, and traditional societies resisting efforts to wean them off the witch-doctors, they may just keep piling up.

Witchcraft in Assam school curricula?
The National Commission for Women (NCW) has mooted introduction of a subject relating to ‘dayan pratha’ or witchcraft in the syllabus of primary education in Assam to eradicate the growing menace.

Neeva Konwar, member of the National Women Commission, said witch-hunting, like an infectious disease, was slowly spreading to newer areas and solutions would have to be found to eradicate the evil practice.

“The idea behind introducing dayan pratha in primary schools is to bring about awareness from an early age to do away with the primitive practice of witch-hunting based on superstitious beliefs,” said Konwar.

Mridula Saharia , chairperson of the Assam State Women Commission, stressed the need for better medical facilities and mass awareness in remote rural areas to eradicate the evil practice. She said women cell should be activated at panchayat and district-level to tackle the evil.

The practice of witch-hunting is prevalent among some tribal communities in the state. These include Bodos, Ravas and the greater Adivasi community.

The Assam government had already adopted multi pronged strategy to combat witch-hunting. The Assam police have also intensified their drive to curb this problem. Codenamed ‘Project Prahari’, the crusade includes community policing measures, besides regular awareness campaigns, among tribal chiefs and village elders.

The police campaign is now focusing on educating villagers and holding meetings in areas dominated by tribal people.

Indian ‘witchcraft’ family beheaded

A family of five has been beheaded in Sonitpur district, north-east India, by a mob who accused them of witchcraft.

The tea plantation worker and his four children had been blamed for causing a disease which killed two other workers and made many unwell in Assam state.

About 200 villagers tried and sentenced the family in an unofficial court, then publicly beheaded them with machetes.

They then marched to a police station with the heads, chanting slogans denouncing witchcraft and black magic.

‘Pregnant wife fled’

The incident occurred at the Sadharu tea plantation near the town of Biswanath Charali, about 300 km (190 miles) north of Guwahati, Assam’s main city.

Sixty-year-old Amir Munda, who was killed alongside his two daughters and two sons, was reportedly a traditional healer.

After two plantation workers died and many others became ill from mysterious illness, other members of the Adivasi Santhal community accused him and his family of being the cause.

“A trial was held to prove if Munda and his family were involved in casting evil spells in the tea garden that led to a bout of epidemics in the area,” police officer D Das said. “They said the killings would appease the gods.

“Munda’s pregnant wife and her three young children managed to escape before the mob killed the other members of the family,” A Hazarika, a local police official, told AFP.

Six people were arrested for the killings, Mr Hazarika said.

According to police records, some 200 people have been killed in Assam in the past five years for allegedly practicing witchcraft.

Source: BBC News

Witch’ family buried alive

Guwahati, 11 Jun 2008 | Telegraph: Four members of a family were stoned and buried alive in a village in Upper Assam’s Sonitpur district last night after a kangaroo court found them guilty of practising witchcraft and sentenced them to death.

The victims — Lakhan Majhi, 65, his wife Sumoni, 60, son Durga, 45, and daughter-in law Sabitri, 35 — incurred the wrath of villagers in Koilajuli Milanpur after a 21-year-old youth, Gobinda, died on Saturday.

Sonitpur superintendent of police Munna Prasad Gupta said Gobinda had died after prolonged illness, but the villagers held Lakhan, who used to regularly perform puja at Gobinda’s residence, responsible for his death.

The villagers summoned the Majhis to village headman Bhutkori Majhi’s house for a public hearing last night.

“The entire village was present at Bhutkori’s house. The elders charged the Majhis with casting evil spells on Gobinda that resulted in his death,” an officer at Biswanath Chariali police station, under which the village falls, said.

The villagers then stoned the four and buried them in a nearby jungle while they were still breathing.

When police reached the village this morning to exhume the bodies, all the males of the village had fled.

“We interrogated a few women who said the men of the village had crushed the victims’ heads with bricks and stones and buried them even before they died,” the officer said. He added that the headman was the main accused and the police were looking for him.

This is the second time that alleged witches have been murdered in Biswanath Chariali in the past two years.

On March 18, 2006, five members of a family were beheaded by a mob at Sadharu tea estate in the heart of Biswanath Chariali. The mob then marched to a police station with the heads, chanting slogans against witchcraft and black magic.

Amir Munda, 60, his two sons and two daughters were beheaded after a mysterious ailment struck the labour lines.

Two garden workers died while several others were afflicted by the disease.

Soon, the community’s suspicions fell on Munda.

The labourers called a meeting, to which Munda was also invited. When he fled with his family, their suspicion turned to conviction.

Munda’s pursuers caught him and held a kangaroo court. When Munda denied practising witchcraft, he was beaten until he “confessed” his entire family’s involvement in occult practices. The court sentenced them to death.

According to police records, over 200 people have been killed in Assam in the past seven years for allegedly practising witchcraft.

Assam police have launched campaigns in Sonitpur and Lower Assam’s Kokrajhar district to educate people against witch-hunts.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

നബിക്ക് സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധിചുവന്നു ഹദീസ് വിശ്വസിക്കുന്ന ജിന്നോരികല്‍ക്കായി ചില രഹസ്യ വിവരങ്ങള്‍ സമര്പിക്കുന്നു !!

നബിക്ക് സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധിചുവന്നു ഹദീസ്  വിശ്വസിക്കുന്ന ജിന്നോരികല്‍ക്കായി ചില രഹസ്യ  വിവരങ്ങള്‍ സമര്പിക്കുന്നു !!
ഇവിടെ ഇങ്ങനെ വെട്ടി തുറന്നു എഴുതാന്‍ പ്രയ്സമുണ്ട് ..എങ്കിലും പറയാതെ വയ്യ.
പലപ്പോഴും ഈ ഫസിബൂകില്‍ നബിക്ക് സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധിച്ച ഹദീസിനെ എതിര്‍ക്കുന്നവരെ മോശമായി ചിത്രീകരിക്കുന്ന പലരും ഇസ്ലാമിക ചരിത്രത്തിലെ പല കാര്യങ്ങളും അറിയുന്നില്ല ..അതുകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ നബിക്ക് സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധിച്ച കഥകള്‍ എത്രതന്നെ ലൈംഗിക ചുവയുള്ള കഥകള്‍ ആണെങ്കിലും ഹദീസ് അല്ലെ എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞു അവര്‍ വിശ്വസിക്കാന്‍ തയാറാവുന്നു..അവര്‍ അറിയാന്‍ ഇസ്ലാമിക ചരിത്ര്രത്തിലെ മറ്റു ഇതേ പോലെ ഉള്ള കഥകള്‍ എന്ത് അതിനെ , ജനാബ് അമാനി മൌലവി എന്ത് രീത്യില്‍ കാണുന്നു എന്ന് അറിയുന്നത് നന്നായിരുക്കും ..അമാനി മൌലവി ഇക്കാര്യങ്ങളെ ഒക്കെ എങ്ങനെ നോക്കി കാണുന്നു എന്നതാണ് ഇവിടെ പ്രധാനമായും ഞാന്‍ വിവരിക്കാന്‍ പോകുന്നത് .

നബിക്ക്  സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധിച്ച കഥകളുടെ ചുരുക്കം :

ലബീടി എന്നാ യഹൂദനും അവന്റെ പെങ്ങമ്മാരും ചെര്‍ന്ന്നു ,, മുടി ചീര്പു എന്നിവയില്‍ ആഭിചാര ക്രിയകള്‍ ചെയ്തു ഒരു കിണറ്റില്‍ ഇട്ടു !!.. അതോടുകൂടി നബിക്ക് സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധ തുടങ്ങി.. ലൈങ്ങികതയെ ബാധിക്കുന്ന സിഹ്ര്‍ ആണ് ബാധിച്ചത് എന്ന് വ്യക്യതാക്കള്‍ പറയുന്നു.!.കാരണം നബിക്ക് ഭാര്യമാരോടൊപ്പം ബന്ധപ്പെടാതെ തന്നെ ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടു എന്ന് തോന്നി തുടങ്ങിയത്രേ.. പിന്നീട് ഈ ചെര്ര്പും മറ്റും മാരണ സാധനങ്ങള്‍ എടുത്തപ്പോള്‍ ബാധ ഇല്ലാതായെന്ന് കഥ..പക്ഷെ ഈ കഥ അമാനി മൌലവി എവിടെയും പറയുന്നില്ല..അറപ്പുളവാക്കുന്ന,നബിയെ അവഹേളിക്കുന്ന  ഈ കഥ അമാനി മൌലവി എഴുതാത്തതു വെറും ഒരു യാദൃച്ചികമാണോ അതോ  മനപൂര്‍വ്വം ഈ കഥ അമാനി മൌലവി ഒഴിവക്കിയതാണോ??

നമുക്ക് പരോശോധിക്കം

ഈ കഥക്ക് സമാനമായ ഒരു കഥ ഉണ്ട് ..സൂറത്ത് തഹ്രീമിന് ആണ് ഇങ്ങനെ ഉള്ള ഒരു സെക്സ് കഥ , തഫ്സീര്‍ ബൈലാവി ,തഫ്സ്സര്‍ ജലാലയുനി, അതേപോലെ നബി ചരിത്രം എഴുതിയ ഇബ്നു സാദ് അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ "തബകതുല്‍ കബീര്‍ " എന്നാ കിതാബിലും വിവരിക്കുന്നു..
നബിയെ തികച്ചും അവഹേളിക്കുന്ന ഈ കഥ ഇങ്ങനെ

നബിക്ക് എജിപ്തില്‍നിന്നു സുന്ദരിയായ ഒരു അടിമ സ്ത്രീയെ കിട്ടിയിരുന്നു ..കോപ്തിക് ക്രിസ്ത്യാനിയായ അവളുടെ പേര് മാരിയ (മേരി ). ഇവളെ ഹഫ്സയുടെ ജോലിക്കാരിയായി വെച്ചിരുന്നു ..ഒരു ദിവസം നബിക്ക് അവളില്‍ വല്ലാത്ത ആഗ്രഹം തോന്നി..അങ്ങനെ ഒരു ദിവസം ഹഫ്സയുടെ വീട്ടില്‍ പോയ സമയത്ത് ,ഹഫ്സയോടു നബി ഒരു കള്ളം പറഞ്ഞു ..ഹഫസയുടെ പിതാവ് ഉമറിനെ മകളെ കാണണം ഒന്ന് പോയി വാ..അങ്ങനെ ഹഫ്സ പോയി വന്നപ്പോള്‍ വീട്ടില്‍ റൂം അടഞ്ഞു കിടക്കുന്നു..കുറച്ചു നേരം കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പോള്‍ രണ്ടുപേരും ഇറങ്ങി വന്നു ..നബിയും മാരിയായും !!!..ഹ്ഫ്സക്ക് ഇതുകണ്ട് വല്ലാതെ ചൂടായി ,,അപ്പോള്‍ നബി ഇനി മാരിയയെ പ്രാപിക്കില്ല എന്ന് ശപഥം ചെയ്തു .!!..ഇതാണ് സൂറത്ത് തഹ്രീമില്‍ ,എന്തിനാ ശപഥം ചെയ്തതി ,അടിമ സ്ത്രീയെ കല്യാണം കഴിക്കാതെ ഉപയോഗിക്കാമല്ലോ എന്തിനു ഹരമാക്കുന്നു??എന്ന് അര്‍ഥം ഉള്ള ആയത്തുംസന്ദര്‍ഭവും ആണ് എന്ന് ഇവരെല്ലാം പറഞ്ഞു..
നബിയെ അങ്ങേ അറ്റം അവഹേളിക്കുന്ന ഈ കഥ വാസ്തവ വിരുദ്ധം ആയതുകൊണ്ടാണ്‌ അമാനി മൌലവി അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ ടാഫ്സ്സേരില്‍ ഈ കഥ കൊടുക്കാത്തത്..പകരം വേറെ കഥ കൊടുക്കുന്നു..തേന്‍ കുടിച്ച കഥ..കൂടെ കൊടുത്രിക്കുന്ന അമാനി മൌലവി ടാഫ്സ്സര്‍ ഫോട്ടോയില്‍ അത് വായിക്കുക .

ഇത്തരം നബിയെ അവഹേളിക്കുന്ന കഥകള്‍ വെറും ആദ്യകാല ചരിത്രകരന്മാരുടെ രക്കഥകള്‍ മാത്രമായതു കൊണ്ടാണ് ചിലതിനുസനാദ് ഉണ്ടെങ്ക്ളിലും അതൊന്നും രേഖപ്പെടുത്താന്‍ ജനാബ് അമാനി മൌലവി തയരകാത്തത് .

ഇനി ചിന്തിക്കുക. സൂറത്ത് ഫലക് ,നാസ എന്നിവ മക്കയില്‍ അവ്തരിച്ചതാനെങ്കിലും ,മദീനയില്‍ സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധിച്ചപ്പോള്‍ വീണ്ടും ഈ ആയത്ത് തന്നെ ഇറങ്ങി എന്ന് പറയുന്ന വ്യഖ്യതക്കളെ എങ്ങനെ ആണ് വിശ്വസിക്കുക?? തോന്നിയ പോലെ നിറം പിടിപ്പിച്ച കഥകള്‍ ആണ് പല വ്യാക്യതാക്കളും എഴുതിയത് !അതില്‍പെട്ട കഥ ഒരു കഥ ആണ്..സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധിച്ച കഥ .!

സിഹ്ര്‍ ഭാഗികമായി നിഷേധിച്ച മറ്റൊരു പൂര്‍വകാല പണ്ഡിതന്‍ കൂടി !

സിഹ്ര്‍ ഭാഗികമായി നിഷേധിച്ച മറ്റൊരു പൂര്‍വകാല പണ്ഡിത കൂടി !
.700 വര്‍ഷങ്ങള്‍ക്കു മുന്പ് ജീവിച്ച പണ്ഡിതന്‍ .സിറിയയില്‍ ജനിച്ച
ഇദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ പേരു ചുരുക്കപ്പേര് "ഇബ്നു അബി  അല ഇസ്സ് "
ഇദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ പ്രസിദ്ധ കിതാബ് ആണ് ."ശരഹു അകീദതു തഹാവിയ "
ഈ പ്രസിദ്ധ വ്യാഖ്യാന ഗ്രന്ഥത്തില്‍ സിഹ്ര്‍ നെകുരിച്ചുള്ള ഇദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ നിരീക്ഷണം ശ്രദ്ധേയമാണ് .
ഇദ്ദേഹം ഇങ്ങനെ എഴുതുന്നു..

സിഹ്ര്‍ യാഥാര്‍ത്യം ഉണ്ടോ എന്നതില്‍ പണ്ഡിതന്മാര്‍ വളരെ അധികം ഭിന്നിച്ചു ..സിഹ്റിന് യാതാര്‍ത്യം ഇല്ല എന്ന് ന്യൂനപക്ഷ പണ്ഡിതന്മാര്‍ പറയുമ്പോള്‍ സിഹ്ര്‍ വഴി മരണം വരെ ഉണ്ടാകാം എന്ന് ഭൂരിപക്ഷം പണ്ഡിതാര്‍ പറയുന്നു..എന്തായാലും സിഹ്ര്‍ ചെയ്യല്‍ പാപം ആണ്..സാഹിരിനെ കൊല്ലണമോ എന്നാ കാര്യത്തിലും പണ്ഡിതര്‍ക്കു ഇടയില്‍ തര്കമുണ്ട്.ഇമാം ഷാഫിസിഹ്ര്‍ മൂലം സാഹിര്‍ എന്തെങ്കലും ദോഷം ചെയ്തതായി തെളിഞ്ഞാല്‍ മാതര്മേ കൊല്ലാവൂ എന്ന് പറയുന്നു (ഇത് തെള്യിക്കാന്‍ പറ്റില്ല എന്ന് ഇമാം ഷാഫിക്കു നന്നായി അറിയാം !)..മറ്റുള്ളവര്‍ സാഹിരിനെ കൊല്ലണം എന്നും പറയുന്നു "".ഇതാണ് ഈ പണ്ഡിതന് പറയാനുള്ളത്..
.നബിക്ക് സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധിച്ച ഹദീസിനെ തൊടാന്‍ പോലും ഇദ്ദേഹം കൂട്ടാക്കിയില്ല..!൧ വിശ്വസിക്കാത്തത് കൊണ്ടാകാം അതിനെപ്പറ്റി മിണ്ടാത്തത് !.ഹനഫി പണ്ഡിതന്‍ ആയതുകൊണ്ടാവും സിഹ്രിനെ എതിര്‍ക്കാന്‍ ഇദ്ദേഹത്തിനു തോന്നിയത് .എന്നാലും ഇബ്നു തെമിയയുടെയും അല ജൌസിയെയും  ഇദ്ദേഹം പല കാര്യങ്ങളിലും അംഗീകരിച്ചു .

ചുരിക്കിപ്പറഞ്ഞാല്‍ ആദ്യകാല പണ്ഡിതര്‍ ഇക്കാര്യത്തില്‍ ഭിന്നിച്ചു .ക്രമേണ അന്ധവിശ്വാസികള്‍ സിഹ്ര്‍ നിഷേധിക്കുന്ന പണ്ഡിതരുടെ മേല്‍ മേല്‍കോയ്മ നേടി എന്ന് വേണം കരുതാന്‍.തദ്വാരാ വിവധ തരാം മാരണ നിവാരണ പദ്ധതികള്‍(മന്ത്രങ്ങള്‍ ) മുസ്ലിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ ഇടയില്‍ കടന്നു കൂടി ..



Wednesday, February 19, 2014

അടുത്ത മാസം കേരളത്തില്‍ വരാന്‍പോകുന്ന മുഫ്തി ഇസ്മില്‍ മേന്കിന്റെ ഞെട്ടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ,ജിന്നോരികള്‍ പോലും അന്ഗീകരിക്കാത്ത അന്ധവിശ്വാസങ്ങള്‍

അടുത്ത മാസം കേരളത്തില്‍ വരാന്‍പോകുന്ന മുഫ്തി ഇസ്മില്‍ മേന്കിന്റെ ഞെട്ടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ,ജിന്നോരികള്‍ പോലും അന്ഗീകരിക്കാത്ത അന്ധവിശ്വാസങ്ങള്‍ !!

കേരളത്തിലെ കേട്ട് കേള്‍വ പോലും ഇല്ലാത്ത വിശ്വസം ആണ് .ആര്തവകാരികള്‍ ആയ സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എന്തെങ്കിലും പ്രത്യേക മന്ത്രം  ചൊല്ലല്‍ .പ്രാചീന ആദിവാസികളുടെ അന്ധവിശ്വസം ആണ്..ആര്‍ത്തവം ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്നത് പിശാചുക്കള്‍ ആണെന്നും ,,ആര്‍ത്തവ സമയത്ത് പിശാചു ബാധ കൂടുതല്‍ ഉണ്ടാവുമെന്നും അവര്‍ വിശ്വസിച്ചിരുന്നു..അതിനായി അവര്‍ ആര്‍ത്തവ കാലത്ത് പ്രത്യേക മുന്‍കരുതല്‍ എടുത്തിരുന്നു ..

ഇങ്ങനെ വിചിത്രമായ മന്ത്രം സ്ത്രീകള്‍ക്ക് പ്രത്യേകം ചൊല്ലാന്‍ ഈ മുഫ്തി കല്പിക്കുന്നു..
മന്ത്രം ചൊല്ലേണ്ട രീതി
ആയത്തുല്‍ കുര്‍സി == 3 വട്ടം
സൂരത് ഫലക് ===3 വട്ടം
സൂറത്ത് നാസ് ===  3വട്ടം
സൂറത്ത് ഇഖ്ലാസ് ==== 3  വട്ടം
സൂറത്ത് ബകര   last 2 verses      ===1  വട്ടം
സൂറത്ത് മുമിനൂന്‍   97 and 98        == 3 വട്ടം

സൂരത് നിസ 45  (ആര്‍ത്തവം ആയതുകൊണ്ട് "സ്ത്രീക്ള്‍" എന്നാ അധ്യായം പ്രത്യേകം ഓതാന്‍ ഇദ്ദേഹത്തിനു വഹയു കിട്ടിയിരിക്കുന്നു !!) === 1 വട്ടം

സൂരത് തൌബ  129====   3വട്ടം

സൂരത് ആരാഫ് 196 verse==== 3 വട്ടം
ഔഉസു ബി കളിമാതില്ലഹി തമ്മത് മിന്‍ ശര്രി മാ ഖളക് .=== 1 വട്ടം

അല്ലാഹുവേ ആരുടെ നാമം ആണോ വാഴ്തപ്പെട്ടത്‌ ,ആ പേര് കൊണ്ട് എനിക്ക് ആകാശത്ത് നിന്നോ ഭൂമിയില്‍ നിന്നോ യാതൊരു ഉപദ്രവും ഉണ്ടാവില്ല  ===  3 വട്ടം

ഇത് ഈമുഫ്തി തന്‍റെ വകയായി കണ്ടുപിടിച്ച സൂപ്പര്‍ മന്ത്രം ആണ്..സിഹ്ര്‍ ബാധ, കണ്ണേരു ബാധ ,ജിന്ന്വ ബാധ (ഇതല്ലാതെ  വേറെ വല്ല ബാധകള്‍ സങ്കല്പിക്കുന്നു എങ്കില്‍ അതും ) എന്നിവയ്ക്ക് എതിരെ  ശക്തിമത്തായ മന്ത്രം ആണെന്ന് ഇദ്ദേഹം അവകാശപ്പെടുന്നു..!! രാവിലെയും വൈകുന്നേരവും ഈ മന്ത്രം ചൊല്ലണം പോലും !!!

ഇനി ആലോചിക്കൂ ഈ മന്ത്രവാദിയെ കേരളത്തില്‍ കൊണ്ട് വരണോ??

വാല്‍കഷണം :: ഈ മുഫ്തി കേരളത്തില്‍ വന്നാല്‍ ഈ മന്ത്രത്തിനു തെളിവ് ആരും ചോദിക്കരുത്..കാരണം അദ്ദേഹം സ്വന്തം നിര്‍മിച്ച മാത്രം ആണിത്..zimbabwe എന്നാ ആഫ്രിക്കന്‍ രാജ്യത്തു ജനിച്ച കാരണം ആയിരിക്കാം ആഫ്രിക്കന്‍ മന്ത്രം കിട്ടിയത് .!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

സിഹ്ര്‍ വിഷയത്തില്‍ ജനാബ് അമാനി മൌലവി അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ തഫ്സീറില്‍ നടത്തിയ അട്ടിമറി ..: ഒരു പൊളിച്ചെഴുത്ത് .

സിഹ്ര്‍ വിഷയത്തില്‍ ജനാബ് അമാനി മൌലവി അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ തഫ്സീറില്‍ നടത്തിയ അട്ടിമറി ..: ഒരു പൊളിച്ചെഴുത്ത് .
സിഹ്ര്‍ ഫലിക്കുമെന്ന് ഉള്ള തന്റെ അന്ധവിശ്വസം  ഊട്ടി ഉറപ്പിക്കാന്‍ ജനാബ് അമാനി മൌലവി നടത്തിയ അട്ടിമറി കാണാന്‍ അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ തഫ്സീര്‍ ഈ ഫോട്ടോയില്‍ ഉള്ളത് വായിക്കുക ..

അദ്ദേഹം ഇബ്നു അബ്ബ്സിന്റെ പ്രസിദ്ധമായ അഭിപ്രായം ദുര്‍ബല്‍ അഭിപ്രായം എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞു തള്ളുന്നു..സത്യത്തില്‍ ആദ്യകാല സിഹ്ര്‍ നിഷേധികളായ എല്ലാവരും ഈ പ്രമുഖ പ്രവാചക ശിഷ്യന്റെ അഭിപ്രായം കണ്ടിട്ടാണ് മലക്കുകള്‍ ഇറങ്ങിയിട്ടില്ല എന്നും സിഹ്ര്‍ ഫളിക്കില്ലെന്നും നാളിതുവരെ വിശ്വസിച്ചു പോന്നിട്ടുള്ളത് ..ഇതും പോരാഞ്ഞു അറബി ഭാഷയുടെ സ്വാഭാവിക രീതി പ്രകാരം ഇബ്നു അബ്ബാസ് പറഞ്ഞ അര്‍ഥം ശരിയല്ലത്രേ (ബകര 102 ).! പ്രവചക ശിഷ്യന്‍ ഇബ്നു അബ്ബാസിന് അറബി ഭാഷ രീതി അറിയില്ലായിരുന്നോ??? ഇങ്ങനെ പോയാല്‍ ഖുറാനില്‍ അറബി ഭാഷ രീതിക്ക് വിരുദ്ധമായ പലതും ഉണ്ട് എന്ന് അവകാശപ്പെടുന്ന ലെബാനോനിലെ ക്രിസ്ത്യന്‍ അറബി ഭാഷ പണ്ഡിതര്‍ പറയുന്നത് സ്വീകരിക്കാന്‍ നമുക്ക് പറ്റുമോ??

കാര്യം ഇതൊന്നും അല്ല..വൃത്തികെട്ട മഹാപാപം പഠിപ്പിക്കാന്‍ മലക്കുകളെ ഇറക്കേണ്ട സാഹചര്യം അല്ലഹുവ്നു ഉണ്ടായി എന്ന് തെറ്റിധരിപ്പിക്കുക ആണ് ഇവര്‍ ഈ സിഹൃവാടികളുടെ ലക്ഷ്യം .. ബ്ലൂ ഫിലിം ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്നത് പാപം എന്ന് പഠിപ്പിക്കാന്‍ ബ്ലൂ ഫില്മില്‍ അഭിനയിച്ചു കാണിക്കാന്‍ മലക്കുകളെ ഇറക്കി എന്ന് പറയുന്ന പോലെ വിഡ്ഢിത്തം ആണിത്..

മലക്കുകള്‍ പാപം ചെയ്യുന്നവര്‍ അല്ല എന്നാണ് ഇസ്ലാമിന്റെ വിശ്വസം .അതാണ്‌ യാതര്‍ത്യവും ..

വിശുദ്ധ നരകം: വിശ്വാസത്തിന്റെയും ആരാധനയുടെയും ശുദ്ധഭ്രാന്തിന്റെയും ഓര്‍മക്കുറിപ്പ്

വിശുദ്ധ നരകം: വിശ്വാസത്തിന്റെയും ആരാധനയുടെയും ശുദ്ധഭ്രാന്തിന്റെയും ഓര്‍മക്കുറിപ്പ്
എന്തായാലും അമ്മയുടെ ഗായത്രി  എന്നാ മുന്‍ ശിഷ്യയുടെ പുസ്തകം വായിച്ചു . വളരെ വൈകാരികമായി ട്ടാണ് ഇത് എഴുതപ്പെട്ടിട്ടുള്ളത് .ഈ ശിഷ്യ അനുഭവിക്കുന്ന മാനസിക സംഘര്‍ഷങ്ങളുടെ ഒരു നേര്‍ ചിത്രമാണ് പുസ്തകം നല്‍കുന്നത്..
ഞെട്ടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന പല വെളിപ്പെടുത്തലുകളും ഈ ബുക്കില്‍ ഉണ്ട്.
ഇതിന്റെ മലയാള പരിഭാഷ ഇറങ്ങിയിട്ടില്ല ഇതുവരെ.

സാമ്പിള്‍ ആയി ആദ്യത്തെ അദ്ധ്യായത്തിലെ രണ്ടു പേജ് ഞാന്‍ പരിഭാഷപ്പെടുത്തുന്നു ..

അധ്യായം ഒന്ന് :ആരാണ് ഞാന്‍?
ഞാന്‍ കണ്ണാടിയുടെ മുന്നില്‍ നില്കുന്നു ,വികാര വിചാരങ്ങള്‍ ഇല്ലാത്ത ഒരു മയ്യിത്തിനെ പോലെ .
ഞാന്‍ ആരായിരുന്നു ഈ ഭൂമിയില്‍ ?? ഈ വ്യകതിയെ അറിയുമോ ഞാന്‍ ?എനിക്ക് കണ്ടു പരിചയമുള്ള പഴയ ഒരു വ്യക്തിയുമായി വല്ല സാമ്യതയും ഉണ്ടോ??

ഈ സ്ത്രീയുടെ ചര്‍മം മഞ്ഞവര്‍ണം ആയിരിക്കുന്നു..കുഴിഞ്ഞ കണ്ണുകള്‍ ,കണ്‍തടങ്ങളില്‍ കറുപ്പ് ബാധിച്ച്രിക്കുന്നു.അവളുടെ പാറിപ്പറക്കുന്ന മുടി പിറകോട്ടു അലസമായി ഇട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു..പഴയ ഹിന്ദു ശീലം പോലെ മുടി പിറകില്‍ കെട്ടിവെക്കാന്‍ കൈകള്‍ പോവുന്നു .പക്ഷെ വേണ്ട..

കൊഴിഞ്ഞു പോയ മുടികള്‍ തലയോട്ടിയെ ഭാഗികമായി മറക്കുന്നു..വലിയ നെറ്റിത്തടം .എന്റെ ശ്രദ്ധ പെട്ടെന്ന് ടാബിളില്‍ വെച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന പൂകളിലേക്ക് പോയി.എത്ര ഭംഗിയുള്ള പൂക്കള്‍ !നല്ല കളറുകള്‍ !

മുറിയുടെ ഒരു മൂലയ്ക്ക് ഒറഞ്ഞു നിറത്തിലുള്ള വസ്ത്രത്തിലേക്ക്‌ നോക്കുമ്പോള്‍ എന്തോ വല്ലാത്ത വേദനപോലെ .

എന്റെ ഓര്‍മ്മകള്‍ പെട്ടെന്ന് സാന്‍ റാം ആശ്രമത്തിലേക്കു പോയി.നടുക്കുന്ന ഞെന്ട്ടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ഓര്‍മ്മകള്‍ എന്റെ ശരീരത്തെ പിടിച്ചു കുലുക്കുന്നു..കടുത്ത ഉത്കണ്ട ,അവിടെ നടക്കുന്ന കുറ്റകൃത്യങ്ങള്‍ .ഇപ്പോള്‍ അവര്‍ക്കറിയാം ഞാന്‍ ഓടിപ്പോയി എന്ന് .!

ഞാന്‍ ആശ്ചര്യപ്പെടുന്നു എന്റെ നോട്ടുകള്‍ അമ്മക്ക് കിട്ടിക്കാണുമോ??

ഇത്തരം ഭയാനകമായ ചിന്തകള്‍ വരാതിരിക്കാന്‍ ഞാന്‍ മുറിയില്‍ ഉള്ള സുഗന്ധത്തിലേക്ക് ശ്രദ്ധ കേന്ദ്രീകരിക്കുന്നു.അത് ഒരു മെഴുകുതിരിയില്‍നിന്നാണ് വരുന്നത് ..എന്റെ റൂം വൃത്തിയും വെടിപ്പും ഉള്ളതാണ് .പിങ്ക് നിറത്തിലുള്ള ബെട്ശീറ്റ് വിരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു..ബെഡ്ഡിലേക്ക് ചാഞ്ഞു കിടന്നു ബെഡ്ടിന്റെ ആശ്ലേഷം പുല്‍കണം എന്നുണ്ട് ..പക്ഷെ എനിക്ക് വയ്യ.

എത്ര അപരിചിതമായിട്ടാണ് എനിക്ക് തോന്നുന്നത് ?!ഞാന്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ സാരി ഉടുക്കുന്നില്ല . ഇരുപതു വര്‍ഷത്തിനു ശേഷം ഞാന്‍   വീണ്ടും പാശ്ചാത്യ ഡ്രസ്സ്ഇല്‍ ആണ് . കഴുത്തിലെ മാലയില്ലാത്ത ചര്‍മം എന്നെ തുറിച്ചു നോക്കുന്നു..ഞാന്‍ എന്റെ മാറിടതിലേക്ക് നോക്കി .എന്റെ വസ്ത്രം മാറിടത്തെ മറക്കുന്നു എങ്കിലും എനിക്ക് മാറ് മറക്കാത്ത പോലെ തോന്നുന്നു.. സൈഡില്‍ കൂടി നോക്കുമ്പോള്‍ എന്റെ മുലകളുടെ ഭംഗിയായ ആകൃതി ഞാന്‍ കാണുന്നു .ഞാന്‍ എന്നെത്തന്നെ വേറെ ഒരാളെ നോക്കുന്ന പോലെ ആണ് തോന്നുന്നത് ..മുട്ടിനു താഴെ വരെ ഞാന്‍ ഡ്രസ്സ്‌ ഇട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു.. കാലില്‍  ജന്മനാ ഉള്ള മറുക് ഉണ്ട്..ഇതൊക്കെ ഞാന്‍ മറന്ന  പോലെ..

 എനിക്കിപ്പോള്‍ വയസ്സ് നലാപ്തി ഒന്നായി..എനിക്ക്  എന്നെതെന്നെ മറന്നിരിക്കുന്നു..
അപ്പോഴേക്കും ഫോണ്‍ ബെല്ലടിച്ചു..
എനിക്ക് ആകെ പേടി ആവുന്നു..ബോധക്ഷയം സംഭവിക്കുന്ന പോലെ ..